
Ich weiss, dass manche von euch denken, ich bin jetzt im warmen Australien, waehrend es in Oesterreich schon recht kalt ist. Dem ist nicht so. Es ist zwar untertags recht warm, aber in der Nacht bin ich froh, dass die Heizung funktioniert. Ausserdem regnet es hier auch haeufig. Einige der Baeume haben auch noch gar keine Blaetter. Ich hoffe, das wird bald anders.

Footy match

2.54 am. I just watched the football match between Austria and England with a lot of others on the large TV in the B&G common area. Austria did very well, the only thing that was missing were a few goals. The episode where David Beckham got sent off for two offenses in 60 seconds was quite amusing-the TV cameras showed quite clearly that the judge was wrong. It was definitely not a walk in the park for England-taking into account the age of the team we did really well. And… people here say football, not soccer.