After having had the opportunity to attend TEDx Vienna, and after watching a lot of TED videos, I decided that an investigation of the style of TED talks and their differences to ordinary talks would be a nice topic for a talk at (as far as I know) continental Europe’s first ScienceBarCamp in Vienna.
The slides
For everyone who was there: here are the slides (PDF)
Since I tried to implement some of the characteristics of a TED talk, the slides were designed to support the talk visually, but do not reflect its contents well. If you’d like to know more about the talk, please leave a comment below or contact me.
I would also like to emphasize the following: this is not a talk on „how to make a good PowerPoint presentation“. First of all, there’s more to a talk than just the set of slides. (Yes, it could have been more aptly named „…for Giving Glorious Talks“.) Also, there are many different ways to give a good talk, but no single one is the ultimate approach for every kind of audience. This is a reflection on TEDs approach. Think about your audience.
By the way, did you get the pop culture reference in its title?
Related links
These are some of the sources used for the talk:
- Making Presentations the TED Style - TED Organizer Resources - Lessons from TED
If you’re aiming for the opposite (;-)), have a look at the talk Pepi Zawodsky aka. @maclemon gave at Vienna’s NinjaCon Hacker conference in 2011: „How To Give a Lousy Presentation“